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Home: OpeningHours
Newborn Care
Toddler Childcare
Pre School

Home: Inner_about
Allow me to introduce myself

Hello, my name is Bridgette and I've been caring for children in my West Park neighborhood home for over 20 years. My home is smoke-free and my yard is completely fenced in. The toys I provide are all child safe and appropriate for infants and toddlers and are geared for creative play; building blocks, shapes, colors, numbers, puzzles, things that GO; cars, trucks, and whatnot. My media center has educational programs for beginners learning the basics to ensure kindergarten readiness. I absolutely love being home with the children! After many years in the hospitality industry, it is a refreshing change to provide care for small groups of kids in my own home.
we're full of bright ideas !!

Amanda Baretto (330) 936-0839
Steven Baretto (216) 308-7752
Lisa Yafanaro (216) 544-7339
Christopher Buzas (216) 577-8197
Ashley Sassano (330) 591-5339
Vince Sassano (330) 212-3638
Joshua Pirtle (216) 496-6525
Janna Woo (910) 297-0464
Joshua Woo (910) 352-6448
William Sheldon (954) 599-7740
(non-parent, colleague)
Jeannie Amash (470) 336-4010
non-parent, colleague
Bridgette's West Park Home Child Care
3628 W. 159th Cleveland, Ohio 44111
(216) 476 - 1694 Home
(216) 410 - 1995 Cell
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